1. Intro
Welcome to end-to-end Reactive World with RSocket, R2BDC, Project Reactor, Spring Framework, and Proteus Framework. In this guide, we are going to learn new horizon of Reactive communication in Microservice world using a new reactive protocol called RSocket. Along with that, we are going to use here Proteus Framework which simplify a lot usage of the RSocket protocol. Finally, we are going to use Spring Framework which allows building a full-fledged Web Application.
In this guideline, we are building a system of ranking Marvel Superheroes. All information about Superheroes in the Marvel World is stored in the Postgres database. As we may remember, Postgres is a relational database and the most common communication with Postgres is through the blocking, non-reactive JDBC driver. Fortunately, there is a R2DBC java driver, which allows fully non-blocking and Reactive (with backpressure-control support) access to the database. One of the supported databases is Postgres.
In the next section, we are going to do an initial setup required for the smooth running of our Reactive Superhero ranking system.
Suggest Edit to "[intro-doc]"
2. Setup
In our application we have two central components that requires to be setup.
2.1. Setup Postgres
The first component is Postgres. In order to run the demo Postgres database, we are using Docker. The following command creates the initial docker container with Postgres database:
docker run \
--name postgres \
-p 5432:5432 \
-e POSTGRES_DB="marvel" \
-e POSTGRES_USER="captain" \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="america" \
Once the container is created and run we need to execute a list of commands that prepare the required data. Make sure that the commands it executed within the project root folder:
docker cp ./records.json postgres:records.json
By running the above command we will copy the records with Superhero stats and descriptions of the created container.
Once the data is upload we need to execute a few remote SQL commands that create records
table and prepare index:
docker exec -ti postgres sh -c 'psql --username "$POSTGRES_USER" --dbname "$POSTGRES_DB" -c "CREATE TABLE records ( id int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, data jsonb NOT NULL )"'
docker exec -ti postgres sh -c 'psql --username "$POSTGRES_USER" --dbname "$POSTGRES_DB" -c "CREATE INDEX records_data_gin_idx ON records USING GIN(data)"'
Once the records
table is created we may upload data from the records.json
docker exec -ti postgres sh -c 'cat records.json | psql --username "$POSTGRES_USER" --dbname "$POSTGRES_DB" -c "COPY records (data) FROM STDIN;"'
2.2. Setup Proteus Broker
Along with Postgres, we have an additional component required for running Proteus Framework called Proteus Broker. Proteus Broker is a zero-copy data-routing service which is responsible for connecting microservices. In order to run the Proteus Broker we need to create and run dockerized instance of Proteus Broker using the following command:
docker run \
-p 8001:8001 \
-p 8101:8101 \
-p 7001:7001 \
-e BROKER_SERVER_OPTS="'-Dnetifi.authentication.0.accessKey=9007199254740991' \
'-Dnetifi.authentication.0.accessToken=kTBDVtfRBO4tHOnZzSyY5ym2kfY=' \
'-Dnetifi.broker.admin.accessKey=9007199254740991' \
'-Dnetifi.broker.admin.accessToken=kTBDVtfRBO4tHOnZzSyY5ym2kfY=' \
'-Dnetifi.broker.ssl.disabled=true'" \
By running the above commands, we make available for the usage the Proteus Borker, which is the last prerequisite for our Reactive System. In the next section, we are going to learn the design of our System and get some understanding of the interaction model between services.
Suggest Edit to "[setup-doc]"
3. Project Design
In the previous sections, we have done the preparation and setup of required components. In this section, we are going to do the design overview and understand how the components interact with each other, so the development of our system is much simpler. The following diagram shows the how components interact with each other:
![Super Hero Design](images/superhero-demo.png)
The following is a description for the schema mentioned above:
Here we have Proteus-Broker that is responsible for routing messages between components.
Here is a Client service which initiates the tournament and consumes the result of each tournament’s rounds.
At this point, we have a Tournament service which is responsible for running a competition between all Marvel Superheroes. In order to get a list of available Superheroes, Tournament service calls the Records service. Once the first two records about superheroes are available, the Tournament service runs a competition between received heroes and send both heroes to Ranking service which is responsible for making the decision who is the best superhero.
At this point, we have the Records service. The Records service is responsible for retrieving the all available superheroes store in Postgres. One of the central advantages of this mesh service around Postgres is that it communicates with the database over the R2DBC java driver. R2DBC allows querying Postgres with the support of Reactive Streams, and this specification allows to control backpressure, so the data is sent only when there is the demand from the consumer side.
Here we have a representation of Postgres DB.
This is the implementation of the Ranking service in Java. Under the hood, this service is randomly choosing the superhero sent in the request body.
At this point, we have another implementation of Ranking service. Here we emphasize that the implementation of this service is in JavaScript which is running in the browser. Here, the ranking is using the involved user which may manually evaluate the stats of each superhero and decide which one is better. One important thing here is that Proteus-JS support backpressure control in full power as well as an implementation of Proteus-Java counterpart.
As we may see from the figure above, our solution is intensively using Proteus and
Spring Frameworks. Also, the communication between services is wired with the
support of the RSocket protocol. One of the central benefits of RSocket is the support of
backpressure of the logical elements' level. It means that we can propagate the demand
in the stream not only on java level, but through the network, so the .request(1)
propagated from the Client service to the Tournament service and then to the rest of
the service.
The following diagram show how the demand is propagated through the services over time:
![Super Hero Backpressure](images/super-hero-backpressure-timeline.png)
As we can see, the interaction between components follows the Reactive Streams specification. Also, the client is fully responsible for controlling the demands, since it is the initiator of the communication, so his demand is valued by all service. One point that should be noticed here is that only in one place we request 2 elements instead of 1. That point is an interaction between Tournament and Records services. Here, in order to run the ranking competition, Tournament service for the first ranking round requires 2 heroes, so the first request to Records service is in size 2, where for the rest of the ranking competition, Tournament service uses the winner of the previous round so for the rest of competition it requests only 1 next superhero.
In this section, we have completed the overview of the basic design and interaction model between the components in the next section we are going to build our services using Spring Framework and Proteus.